Drought Warning Phase Response:
With more than 70 percent of Minnesota experiencing severe drought and some areas experiencing extreme drought, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has determined the state is now in the drought warning phase. As such, we are asking our citizens to take water conservation steps to assist in reducing the overall water demand in our area.
Keep in mind that calendar sprinkling is mandatory from June 1 through September 30. Odd addresses may water on odd days and even addresses may water on even days. In addition, you may NOT water between the hours of 10am and 7pm. These restrictions are enforceable.
Here are a few suggestions:
• Water grass only when needed. Most lawns only need an inch of water a week
• Adjust the lawn mower to a height of 1.5- 2 inches. Taller grass shades roots and holds moisture better
• Leave lawn clippings on your grass, this cools the ground and holds in moisture
• Water the lawn in the early morning or in the evening and never on a windy day
• Inspect all pipes and faucets for leaks – gallons of water can be dripping away every day
• Check toilets for hidden leaks. Add food coloring to the water in the tank, if the color appears in the bowl without flushing, you could have a leak
Please note that we are not requesting the discontinuation of hand watering plants or recreational activities such as pools or splash pads. Private irrigation wells are not subject to enforcement at this time and exemptions previously received for new sod installations are still in effect. Please contact the Joint Powers Water Board (763-497-3611) for any questions or to report possible violations. Thank you for your assistance in reducing water during this situation.